姓 名 |
戴月 |
性 别 |
女 |
出生年月 |
1971.4 |
民 族 |
汉族 |
学 历 |
本科 |
职 称 |
主任医师 |
专业特长 |
任职(目前担任省级以上学术委员会委员以上职务的) |
1.国家食品安全标准审评委员会营养与特膳分委会委员 2.国家卫生健康标准委员会营养专委会委员 3.国家食品安全风险评估委员会产品分委会委员 4.国家国民营养健康专家委员会营养与食品安全监测与评估分委会委员
科研成果(近五年) |
1.第一起草人牵头修定7项食品安全国家标准 2.主持国家重点研发计划课题子课题一项 3.主编专著3部,发表SCI论文8篇 |
学术论文、论著(近五年) |
1. Wang Y,Dai Y, Tian T, Zhang J, Xie W, Pan D, Xu D, Lu Y, Wang S, Xia H, Sun G*. The Effects of Dietary Pattern on Metabolic Syndrome in Jiangsu Province of China: Based on a Nutrition and Diet Investigation Project in Jiangsu Province. Nutrients. 2021 Dec 13;13(12):4451. 2. Wang Y#, Xie W#, Tian T, Zhang J, Zhu Q, Pan D, Xu D, Lu Y, Sun G, Dai Y*. The Relationship between Dietary Patterns and High Blood Glucose among Adults Based on Structural Equation Modelling. Nutrients. 2022 Oct 3;14(19):4111. 3. Wang YY#, Tian T, Pan D, Zhang JX, Xie W, Wang SK, Xia H, Dai Y#*, Sun G*. The relationship between dietary patterns and overweight and obesity among adult in Jiangsu Province of China: a structural equation model. BMC Public Health. 2021 Jun 25;21(1):1225. 4. Wang YY#, Zhang JX#, Tian T#, Gao MY, Zhu QR, Xie W, Fu LM, Wang SK*, Dai Y*. Dietary patterns in association with the risk of elevated blood pressure, lipid profile and fasting plasma glucose among adults in Jiangsu Province of China. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2022 Jan;32(1):69-79. 5. Tian T#, Zhang J#, Zhu Q, Xie W, Wang Y, Dai Y*. Predicting value of five anthropometric measures in metabolic syndrome among Jiangsu Province, China. BMC Public Health. 2020 Aug 31;20(1):1317. 6. Tian T#, Wang Y#, Xie W, Zhang J, Zhu Q, Peng X, Zhou Y*, Dai Y*. Associations of Serum Uric Acid with Clustering of Cardiovascular Risk Factors and a 10-Year Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease Risk Score in Jiangsu Adults, China. Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes. 2021 Jul 28;14:3447-3460. 7. Xia H#, Zhou Y#, Wang Y, Sun G*, Dai Y*. The Association of Dietary Pattern with the Risk of Prehypertension and Hypertension in Jiangsu Province: A Longitudinal Study from 2007 to 2014. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Jun 22;19(13):7620. 8. Tian T, Zhang J, Xie W, Ni Y, Fang X, Liu M, Peng X, Wang J, Dai Y*, Zhou Y. Dietary Quality and Relationships with Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Fatty Liver Disease (MAFLD) among United States Adults, Results from NHANES 2017-2018. Nutrients. 2022 Oct 26;14(21):4505.